Creating a new destination
for virtual fashion
After developing a new brand for fashion tech start-up SEDDI, it was time to upgrade the company’s holding page to a full website. With its first product out in the wild, and its second almost ready to launch, the website had to clearly position the new brand as a whole and steer target audiences towards the right products.
We worked closely with the SEDDI team to plan the website content, architecture and key messages for maximum engagement. The company’s story, thought leadership and scientific research were all important elements to include, so we made sure that each found its right place.

Visuals were vital. First off, they had to look beautiful. But they also needed to show off the subtleties of the digital simulations SEDDI’s powerful technology could generate.
We gave special attention to art direction, curating mood boards that eventually inspired the ballet-in-motion thread running through the visuals.
We collaborated closely with the SEDDI team to create soft-tissue avatars, vibrant textiles and flowing garments to do the brand justice. Parallax scrolling created further depth to the way users interact with the website. Responsive design made sure that it looked beautiful and worked smoothly, whatever device people used.
With design finalised, we developed, tested and deployed the website, giving SEDDI an online presence to match its ambition.

let’s talk about you
they say a problem shared,
is a problem halved